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SPIP 3.1.1/3.1.2 File Enumeration / Path Traversal (CVE-2016-7982)

SPIP is a publishing system for the Internet, which put importance on collaborative working, multilingual environments and ease of use. It is free software, distributed under the GNU/GPL licence. The `valider_xml` file can be used to enumerate files on the system.

Product Description

SPIP is a publishing system for the Internet, which put importance on collaborative working, multilingual environments and ease of use. It is free software, distributed under the GNU/GPL licence.

Vulnerability Description

The valider_xml file can be used to enumerate files on the system.

Access Vector: remote

Security Risk: medium

Vulnerability: CWE-538

CVSS Base Score: 4.9 (Medium)

CVE-ID: CVE-2016-7982

Proof of Concept

Enumerating .ini files inside /etc (SPIP 3.1.1) :


Bypassing SPIP 3.1.2 protection using PHP Wrappers :


Vulnerable code

if (is_dir($url)) {
    $dir = (substr($url, -1, 1) === '/') ? $url : "$url/";
    $ext = !preg_match('/^[.*\w]+$/', $req_ext) ? 'php' : $req_ext;
    $files = preg_files($dir, "$ext$", $limit, $rec);
    if (!$files and $ext !== 'html') {
      $files = preg_files($dir, 'html$', $limit, $rec);
      if ($files) {
        $ext = 'html';
    if ($files) {
      $res = valider_dir($files, $ext, $url);
      list($err, $res) = valider_resultats($res, $ext === 'html');

File names are stored in $res and displayed by echo on line 146 :

echo "<h1>", $titre, '<br>', $bandeau, '</h1>',
"<div style='text-align: center'>", $onfocus, "</div>",

Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy)

  • 15/09/2016 : Initial discovery
  • 26/09/2016 : Contact with SPIP Team
  • 27/09/2016 : Answer from SPIP Team, sent advisory details
  • 27/09/2016 : Incorrect fixes for Path Traversal
  • 27/09/2016 : New proof of concept for bypassing Path Traversal sent.
  • 27/09/2016 : Bad fix for Path Traversal (23185)
  • 28/09/2016 : New proof of concept for bypassing fixes for Path Traversal on Windows systems.
  • 28/09/2016 : Fixes issued Path Traversal (23200)
  • 30/09/2016 : SPIP 3.1.3 Released


Affected versions

  • Version <= 3.1.2


  • Nicolas CHATELAIN, Sysdream (n.chatelain -at- sysdream -dot- com)