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The Private CTF of the Nuit Du Hack – Staff logbook

Nuit du Hack – The backstages Not only challenge maker, all the team wanted to explain you what the CTF means for them. Let's discover what they have to say...

Nuit du Hack – The backstages

Not only challenge maker, all the team wanted to explain you what the CTF means for them.

Thursday, get the bullets: we’ve got a war to run

It’s 9:30am, the day begins like another. But is it?
Well, not really. Today is the last day of working at Sysdream before going to DisneyLand.

Coffee on the desk, shell open, let’s run the tests!

We have got one day left to fix the bugs, to write the last comment into the readme, to run the challenge like real attackers and pwn our own code. Lucky for us, it’s a test team who’s doing the tests. Totally different of the chall team who developed the challs.
Testing and patching real time! What a work!

12:00am: In the corridor, we can hear two voices, laughing. Everybody is working so hard, and those two guys are having fun!? Let’s have a look.

- 20 switch?
- Check!
- 100 cables?
- hum…. 98, 99, 100. Check!
- Screwdrivers?
- I’ve got the all box! Check!
- Labeller?
- What the? Yes OK, check - Scotch Tape?
- 1 roll will be enough?
- hum… don’t know…
- Okay, 2Km ?
- Perfect!
- Check then!

Sandwich in the mouth, they pack all the things needed in.
What a work! Tomorrow, the movers will come and take everything to go to DisneyLand.

05:30pm: « Everybody stops! We need to deploy the scenario! »
It’s late enough, we really need to deploy the last version of the scenario now.
Tomorrow, Bob the server is going to make a long travel.

See you tomorrow Bob! Big day!

Friday, make yourself at home

08:00am, one of us is arriving at Sysdream.

« Wow! guys! What are you doing here?! You were supposed to arrive at 8:30!
Well… coffee? »

The Demeco Transfert team was already on site for 10 minutes!

We thought we were going to take a real coffee time, waiting to wake up, slowly, with a bit of chill out music… And no.

08:20, he had not seen that coming: The truck loading had begun.
Moreover! 08:45: the loading was finished!
The Demeco transfert team did their job in about 25 minutes. Amazing!

« In the all history of the private CTF, we have never been that fast! »

The unload was faster! Working with the Hackerzvoice team, we put all the boxes on the right places in 15 minutes only!

It’s now 12:00am, no electricity, well…. let’s eat?

06:30pm, we have electricity, and 2 hours to dispatch all the cables, switch and to wake up Bob!

One hour since we started, seems to be good… Let’s test it!
Some had a bit time to place on the staging before going to the Auchan to do some shopping for tomorrow night. We will have to provide the teams with water, but also things to eat.

10:00pm, it’s late, see you tomorrow guys!

Saturday, let’s the war begin

Wake up! It’s 7:00am we have got to go!

8:00am, some of the team are arriving.
Coffee, the most important thing to start the day… Well no. To start the 28 hours marathon!
Saying Hi over here, and over there… A chill out, awakening morning.

OK, let the war begin!
Running here, asking there, get to her to explain, run after him to get the information, seeking for someone.
Some of us are on the sponsors stand, speaking with the Nuit Du Hack guests.

12:00am: EVERYBODY STOP! Lunch time !
It’s like the time had stopped. No one speaks, nobody dares to move more than for bringing the sandwich to the mouth.

12:30pm, And it starts again!
Testing, fixing, laughing, running, seeking.

02:00pm, first interview! Just asking some questions to the teams (video is coming), about where they are coming from, why they do that and co!
So sweet, thanks guys!

06:00pm, Most of the teams are here. The NDH is full! Awesome to see that!
Meeting people, saying hi to known one, wakling here and there… Got to be ready for the beginning of the Private CTF!

08:30pm, All the staff team is in the closed room, to listen to our leader who is making a motivation speech.

08:50pm, We miss one team! Big stress… Oh boy… Impossible to make it!
We are running everywhere, checking every badges of the people on site… Nothing.

09:00pm, After running, back to the room.. And here they are! Okay! Let’s take a breath! « Sorry? Okay no, later! We have a Lauch speech to make! »

09:30pm, « 3, 2, 1 GO! » And there they are. Beginning a loooong night…
Have fun guys

11:00pm, Dinner time! Let’s have a MacDonal for each member of the CTF.

04:00am, Most of the teams are barely sleeping… Well, the staff too

05:00am, Oh Oh.. I think Stratum Auhuur has some problems.
Not going to win the CTF? No big deal for this team! They make their own challenges, and have fun! Well done guys!!

06:00am, « 3, 2, 1 Hand of keyboards please! » Oh My they fought so well!

Giving prices, saying goodbye, packing all the stuff up…
It was really nice guys! Let’s pack up and go home !
Need to sleep I think !

Well guys, it was amazing!
Thanks for everything!
Hope to see you next year =]

Hack it, love it, share it!
Sysdream team