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[CVE-2017-6087] EON 5.0 Remote Code Execution

EyesOfNetwork ("EON") is an OpenSource network monitoring solution. We found a vulnerability caused by incorrect filtering of inbound parameters of the Web component. It leads to remote code execution. In other words, an attacker exploiting this vulnerability could retrieve a remote shell (e.g. /bin/bash) on the operating system of the target.


EyesOfNetwork (« EON ») is an OpenSource network monitoring solution.

Remote Code Execution (authenticated)

The Eonweb code does not correctly filter arguments, allowing authenticated users to execute arbitrary code.

CVE ID: CVE-2017-6087

Access Vector: remote

Security Risk: high

Vulnerability: CWE-78

CVSS Base Score: 7.6

CVSS Vector String: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:L/A:L

Proof of Concept 1

On the attacker’s host, we start a handler:

nc -lvp 1337

The selected_events parameter is not correctly filtered before it is used by the shell_exec() function.

There, it is possible to inject a payload like in the request below, where we connect back to our handler:


Vulnerable code

The payload gets injected into the $event[$key] and $ged_command variables of the module/monitoring_ged/ged_functions.php file, line 373:

$ged_command = "-update -type $ged_type_nbr ";
foreach ($array_ged_packets as $key => $value) {
  if($value["type"] == true){
    if($key == "owner"){
      $event[$key] = $owner;
    $ged_command .= "\"".$event[$key]."\" ";
$ged_command = trim($ged_command, " ");
shell_exec($path_ged_bin." ".$ged_command);

Two other functions in this file are also affected by this problem:

  • delete($selected_events, $queue);
  • ownDisown($selected_events, $queue, $global_action);

Proof of Concept 2

On the attacker’s host, we start a handler:

nc -lvp 1337

The module parameter is not correctly filtered before it is used by the shell_exec() function.

Again, we inject our connecting back payload:


Vulnerable code

In the module/index.php file, line 24, we can see that our payload is injected into the exec() function without any sanitization:

# Check optionnal module to load
if(isset($_GET["module"]) && isset($_GET["link"])) {

    $module=exec("rpm -q ".$_GET["module"]." |grep '.eon' |wc -l");

    # Redirect to module page if rpm installed
    if($module!=0) { header('Location: '.$_GET["link"].''); }


Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy)

  • 01/10/2016 : Initial discovery.
  • 09/10/2016 : Fisrt contact with vendor.
  • 23/10/2016 : Technical details sent to the security contact.
  • 27/10/2016 : Vendor akwnoledgement and first patching attempt.
  • 11/10/2016 : Testing the patch revealed that it needed more work.
  • 16/02/2017 : New tests done on release candidate 5.1. Fix confirmed.
  • 26/02/2017 : 5.1 release. Waiting for 2 weeks according to our repsonsible disclosure agreement.
  • 14/03/2017 : Public disclosure.

Thank you to EON for the fast response.


Update to version 5.1

Affected versions

  • Version <= 5.0
